As you are reading this I will be just returning from my holiday in Lanzarote! And as I am writing this I am currently packing (and procrastinating) for the holiday, so I thought I would take the opportunity to share with you some of my favourite makeup picks that I like to take abroad with me. I don't usually like to wear a lot of makeup when I go abroad, I get hot and clammy really quickly- lush, I know! So when it comes to holiday makeup I have a few easy rules that I like to follow. 1. Be minimal. 2. Pack light. 3. Pack cheap. I often go for simplicity when I am abroad, and only really wear a full face in the evening; during the day I barely do concealer, brows and mascara and a bit of tinted Vasaline. I also try and choose smaller products which won't be much hassle for me to take abroad and don't want to overwhelm myself when I am out there with too much makeup when I only need a quick fix. And finally, because I do travel with it, I will often go for high street ma...
Lifestyle blog with just a touch of Geordie...