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Colourpop Lip Product Haul

Whoops-a-daisy! Student loan is in, assignments are done... Time to spend some money!
have been eyeing up Colourpop Cosmetics for a very long time, particularly their lip line as they seem to have so much choice; from colours, finishes, liquid, sticks and more! And for the price it was very easy to spend £60 on lip products, but considering that I ended up getting 9 lip products and an eye liner, I honestly don't think that I did that much damage...

As mentioned, I purchaced 9 lip products from Colourpop, as a brand that was new to me wanted to try and the feel of multiple lip products to try and figure out if I liked their formulas,
colour range, wearability and if I just liked the brand in general. I bought 2 Lippie Stix, 1 Ultra Glossy Lip, 3 Ultra Satin Lips and 2 Ultra Matte Lips. The colours I chose were mainly based on the colours that I like to wear which is why they all look samey, but, hey, that is what I like to wear.

SWATCHES!! Top Row: Liner,  Lippie Stix in Cami and Lumiere, UGL in Aquarius
Middle: UML in Bumble and Viper
Bottom: USL in Frick n Frack, Calypso and Dopey
I will begin with my favourite products of the lip line which are the Lippie Stix. There is so many colours and finished of these and I very quickly figured out why they are a favourite. I have Cami which is a Matte X and Lumiere which is a Matte and slightly more moisturising than the Matte X formula- perfect for my forever dry lips. I love these because they are just so easy to use, they glide on so easily and are hastle free, moisturising and they do last for a very long time on the lips as well as being comfortable. The only thing I don't enjoy about these is the smell and the taste which is slightly perfumed, but I can look past this.

Next favourite is the Ultra Glossy Lip which I got in the shade Aquarius which is a KathleenLights collaboration. I don't own a lot of lip gloss as I don't usually wear them but this gloss is one of my favourites in the collection as it is not tacky, which is a big deal for me, and it wears nicely on the lips. The glosses don't really have a scent to them which makes them feel more comfortable for me to wear.

Next up is the Ultra Satin Lip, before I talk about the product I do want to quickly mention the packaging, I had one of these in by backpack for a couple of days and when I took it out all the outer text on the tube had all come off and taking the product out the tube, it does feel really tacky and cheap- think the packaging reflects the price...  I do like the texture of the USL, they have quite a runny formula for a liquid lipstick but it applies nicely on the lips and they do dry to a satin finish; however when I was wearing Dopey for a night out I felt like the product had never dried fully and I could constantly feel a tackiness throughout the evening.

And finally the Ultra Matte Lip in the shades Bumble and Dopey. Now, for someone who preferred a traditional lipstick, and after what I had heard about these I did have high expectations of these... Although they don't take long to dry, they do transfer and they do show every single crack in your lips. Admitedly they don't have the tacky texture of the Satin formula and they feel more comfortable on the lips. I bought less for the Matte formula because because based off others reviews I thought I would prefer the Satin formula, I also bought much darker, less wearable colours which means I have had less opportunity to wear them so I would like to give these more of a chance before making a final judgement. One thing I will say is that they are a b*tch to take off!

I am happy that I have given these a go, I am unsure if I would rush to purchase any more products as I want to try and give these more of a test. I both like and dislike qualities of every single one of these lip products, like, if I could marry some of the products together so it could become a 'super lip product' then I think it would be something that I would really love.

Do you like Colourpop lip products? What other products from Colourpop do you recommend? Let me know your thoughts!

Elisa :-) x


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