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De-Stress Season

Its coming up to that time of year again! Exams. We all feel the same about them and we would much rather not have them in our lives, however if we can't get rid of them then we will just have to deal with them the best we can! Crap isn't it? Well I've got a few different things that will help you stay organised around exam period and ways you can de-stress; particulary focusing on Revision and ensuring your Welfare is taken care of throughout this stressful time.

1. Make it pretty. There's nothing worse than having to read scrappy sheets of the same old lined paper in black ink. Use the opportunity to be creative and use coloured paper, fancy coloured pens, make quick revision flash cards and posters which you can stick on the wall.

2. Clear a space. Do not do your revision on your bed, beds are for sleeping. It would probably be best to make sure your desk or workspace is tidy and is neutral so you have nothing to distract you. Sometimes it is better to stay away from your room when revising because you get distracted, this happens to me all the time so I usually do all my work in the conservatory at home or in the university library as all the resources are there when I need them.

3. Plan your time effectively. Around this time I try and make use of every free time I have and make a 24/7 time table for the next weeks ahead. I pop in when I have to be in uni for lectures, extra curricular activities, part time work, sleep etc and I use what is left to plan what I want to be focusing on. I don't jump from subject to subject and I recommend taking short breaks in between studying. Also have a look at your exam dates, you don't want to be cramming for your final exam date when you have hardly done any work for the one in three days.

1. Treat yourself. This will be a stressful time for you because grades equal success whether you are trying to get into a uni/college/sixth form etc you will need them grades to try and get into your chosen field of work. So make sure you reward yourself with your favourite supper after a good day of work, a nice LUSH bath or that bar of chocolate that has been in your cupboard since Christmas. You deserve it!

2. Look after number 1. Yes, number one is you! And you are going to be no good if you don't take care of yourself. Make sure you try and get at least 8 hours sleep at night and have an early night before your exams. Also remember to eat during this time as it can be easy to forget, and keep your diet balanced including lots of vegetables and protein to keep you going. And please, for the love of god, have some food before your exam or you will distract everyone with your stomach crying for mercy (you only learn from experience)!

3. Get help when needed. If there is something you don't understand go over it with your tutors, they are there for a reason. Failing that try and get together with your friends to study together, try not to get distracted by each other but just think of the treats you will be able to go on one the exams are all over! One of the things that helps me is talking someone who isn't doing the exams who will help you take your mind off it, you will be eaten alive of exams are all you think about!
That's my main tips for anyone who has exams coming up but here are a few extra little tips to keep in mind:
-drink plenty of water
-try not to cram the day before your exam and don't even look at your notes in the morning.
-try to explain the subject to someone who is clueless about your work to help you understand it better (I do this with my boyfriend as I do Drama and he does Chemistry which are worlds apart)
-make sure you prioritise your exams and studying. It's ok to go out and be social but don't do it too often.

 What are your tips for a stress-free exam period? Let me know in the comments below or Tweet me @Elisa_A__

I also want to wish good luck to anyone who has exams and I wish you all the best of luck :-)
Elisa x


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