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Showing posts from August, 2016

My University Experience

I've seen many people do something like this, where they take some time to reflect on their experiences at university. I know people like to have a read of these type of posts to see if university is really what it is all cracked up to be and just what the general experience was like. I have debated about doing this post for a while, however I mentioned in my 'Responding to my Dear 21 Year Old Elisa Post' (which I wrote reflecting on my mid-to-long term goals for the next 3 years) that I was going to go on and do a Masters Degree; so I was going to wait until I had finished that before doing this kind of post. But I'm gonna do it anyway! My masters will probably need to have a separate post and this is going to be a long one itself. So sit back, grab a snack and enjoy...

Responding to my 'Dear 21 Year Old Elisa' Post

Some of you may know that tomorrow is my 21st Birthday! I'm so excited! But it has also come to the time that I have to respond to one of the first blog posts that I ever made which was a letter to my 21 year old self when I was just 18 years old. It is scary how fast time has gone, it doesn't even feel like 2 minutes since I wrote it! But I bet a lot has changed, which is even scarier! So here we go, I bet I get emotional! I have posted the original letter in this post and I have put my response to the post in bold font. But, just in case, here is the original link to the post, which was also my first ever blog post!: *disclaimer. The formating for this post is really bad and I've been having issues editing it properly; like the purple font (wth) and the paragraphs not going in place properly.

My Travel Bucket List

It is a very known fact that I love to travel. I enjoy seeing the world, exploring local cultures and indulging in the luxuries when I am away. I decided earlier this year that I wanted to try and visit 30 countries before I am 30 years old (just over 9 years until the deadline); and I always thought I was a well-traveled person. However after finding one of those online quizzes which tells you what percentage of the world you have visited and how many countries, I was quite underwhelmed when I discovered that I had only traveled 5.09% of the world, or 11 countries in my life of nearly 21 years. So that's 19 new countries in 9 years... Now I don't know if that goal is realistic, I don't have alot of money in the bank, but I will have a good crack at trying to achieve this goal! Anyways, this is what has inspired me to write this blog post; some of the countries I have visited before but not these particular areas of interest, so here is my bucket list of places I want to t...

My Make Up Geek Eyeshadow Palette

I love my eyeshadow palettes, however I own very few of them as I find that I don't use all the shadows and hit pan on my favourites colours. So when I discovered Make Up Geek eye shadows, where you can buy single pans to custom make your own palette, I decided to have a little splurge. I did my research into the numerous shadows that Make Up Geek have created and I chose my 9 favourites to create my own every-day eyeshadow palette!                        

The Big American Beauty Haul

I said in my last post that I was going to do this, so here we are! I was like a small child in a sweet shop when I went to the Sephora store located at Disney Springs in Florida. I may have spent alot more than what I expected ($214 to be precise) but I just couldn't help myself, and it was so worth it! I wanted to really focus on the brand's that I either couldn't buy in the UK or are very hard for me to get ahold of, but some stuff I couldn't resist. I also managed to go to Walgreen's, the American version of Boots or Superdrug to get some non-UK high street/'drugstore' makeup. It's fair to say that I bought my fair share of makeup...