People around me all know that I love a challenge and that I love setting new goals to keep me motivated for the future. Moving to a new city where I knew little to no people was going to be tough so I knew I needed something to help fill the void to keep me focused. So I took to my bucket list and figured it was about time I ticked something off the list. Little did I know that it would be to complete the Great North Run, one of the worlds biggest half marathons! When I told everyone I know they all laughed, responding "Elisa, you can't even run for 2 minutes without getting tired!" So here I am, 6 months later after completing the run and I wanted to share with you how I went from novice runner to finishing the Great North Run in 2hrs 40minutes. Grab a cuppa, It's going to be a long one...
It's been a while... I feel like I kind of told everyone I was moving, got engaged and then never gave a proper update on life. I have now been, what I call, "proper adulting" for 6 months now, passed my probation at work so now which I am buzzing about, have my own place, trying new hobbies, meeting new people, surviving on my own and have my independence. But there is still something missing... My other half who lives 200 miles away. I don't like to mention him too much on here as this is my blog and it's not his place to be broadcast online, however it would be wrong of me not to address our current situation. If this blog post can help one other person in a similar position then I think I've done my job.