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Little Geordie Lass is Moving!

Don't panic! I will still be here, however I will not be blogging from my lovely home in Newcastle... Let me explain...

My last post regarding my holiday in Egypt with my boyfriend was one which was very special for both of us. We had both finished uni and ready to go into the working world and this was our last break and bit of relaxation before all the uncertainty about 'adulting' was ready to start again. I have been relatively quiet since I have come back, that is because so much has changed in our lives. My better half started a new job which involved moving down near Reading and it has been a tough pill for me to swallow with him moving so far away.

However, it could have been a lot worse; I am the type of person who keeps themselves busy, surrounds themselves with lots of things and gets involved in many hobbies to stop my mind from wandering and overthinking as this is my biggest weakness from succeeding. Before this gets really deep, luckily I do have something that is distracting me from my big change. While I was in Egypt I got a phone call for a job interview in York which I accepted. With only a few days to prepare I took the train down to York and just did the interview with no expectations, only that I wanted this one. This was my 13th job interview since submitting my dissertation and I was adamant that I wasn't going to just jump into any job that paid well. I spent so much on higher education, I wanted a job which had something to do with my studies. The interview was on a Friday and after the weekend, on the Monday morning, I got a phone call...


After months of stress and anxiety over finding a decent job after graduation I was so happy to be offered a role which will test me, a one which I will enjoy and can make the most of using all my best skills. I'm not going to say much about the job yet, all I will say is that I am going to be moving to York next week and taking some time to settle in, sort my life out and adjust to living away from home again. York may not be far (1 hour on the train) but for someone who is a home bird and loves her dog, Mam and Dad's cooking and being so close to all my friends and family, this is going to be an adjustment for me. 

I am so glad I now have something super exciting to look forward to! I hope to keep this blog going and doing a lot more posts about the things that interest me, I might do some content about my move and what it is like living in a new city, however I am going to be fairly quiet for the next couple of weeks until I get myself sorted and settled. I just wanted to share my good news! Next time I will be blogging I will be in my new bedroom!

Elisa x


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