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Scubadiving in Hurghada, Egypt

If you have seen my Instagram lately, you will know that I have recently returned from a last-minute holiday to Egypt. Picture this: 23rd December working a 12hr shift during panto-season, have just cleaned up sick rolling down the wheelchair ramp and you get a text from your better half; a screen shot of an all-inclusive deal to Hurghada in Egypt for the start of 2018. "Book it" was my response, and half an hour later I had the confirmation. This was exactly what we both needed to recharge our batteries and spend some time together before we begin our first year uni-free. And, boy, was it a treat!

Although we spent the majority of our time, quite frankly, doing fuck-all; we did want to spend some time doing some excursions. We went quad-biking and camel riding in the desert which was awesome, had a lush relaxing spa day however none of these beat my experience of snorkelling and scuba diving in the Red Sea.

The excursion we were sold was called 'Dolphin Safari' which involved a 6am pick up time (we can look past that) to board a boat where we would be spending our day on, we were provided with breakfast and lunch as well as our flippers, snorkel and masks, buoyancy aids and wet suits. The trip was split into 4 parts; first was snorkelling with the dolphins in their natural habitat, slightly hesitant at first as I didn't want to disrupt them, however we weren't close enough to touch them or be a hindrance, just the opportunity to look at them swimming under water all together was fantastic in itself.

Second part was the scuba diving where we were taken in pairs guided by an instructor to dive into the coral reefs of the Red Sea to see all the fish and all the nature. This is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. Not being a confident swimmer, I was worried that I would panic being under water for a long time, however the instruction team assured me that scuba diving was actually easier than snorkelling because you had breathing aids to help you. But being under water, the bright unexpected colours and the warmth of the sea (yes, it was warm) and feeling lost in the water with the little fishies to keep you company, all your worries go. It is oh so calm. It felt like time had stopped and you were under water for a life time, but in a good way as you never wanted to leave. And before I knew it 15 minutes were up and I was back on the boat.

This part was the highlight of my trip, it was so calm and peaceful and for that moment I was away from all the stresses, you were aware of your breathing and being able to enjoy a once in a lifetime experience, feeling safe and with the person you love is something that doesn't come often.

After lunch and a bit of sunbathing on the top deck we had the opportunity to go snorkelling again, this time unassisted and without the dolphins, basically just the chance to have a bit of fun and be light hearted after reflecting on our amazing scuba experience. After this they brought out the banana boat... Oh Lord, what a laugh! Spending 10 hours on this boat was certainly a fantastic experience, we got to chat to other holiday makers and enjoy experiences with new friends from around the world. This was a great excursion to go on and PDL Diving Centre were great, friendly and their hospitality was fantastic!

Egypt is not somewhere you would typically think of for a holiday destination, however as part of an all inclusive package, Hurghada was a great place to recharge your batteries, the heat wasn't blazing hot but enough to enjoy and get a nice tan, especially when it was in the minuses back in the UK. I would highly recommend a resort holiday here but if you want to do something extra special, then give scuba diving a go. It is safe, it is beautiful and I would recommend it to anybody as an excursion choice!

Elisa x


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