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Gift Buying for Boys

I know I've missed the boat of this post as we have just had Christmas but I thought it would still be relevant for birthdays etc, and that is gift buying for boys. No mater how close you are; whether you are buying for your boyfriend, brother, dad there is always an added pressure because (if you are like me) you just want to find the perfect gift which has had some thought put into it. The problem is you can only get a man so much aftershave! There doesn't seem to be a lot of options for men these days when it comes to gift buying and every year you encounter the same problem because its the same products advertised as they previous years. So I thought this would be a relevant post for all you females out there who have had the same problem as me when gift buying for men.

First Thing's First...
Think about who you are buying for. When you are with them, pay extra attention to what they are saying and be observant: is their watch broken? Would they benefit from a new wallet? Have they seen some clothes that are out of their price range? Keep and eye out for tiny little details that are normally skimmed over day after day. They may start dropping hints about what they would like as well. 

Know Their Interests
Start paying attention to their hobbies and interests and try to work around that theme when looking for gifts. Whether it is gardening, football, cooking there are plenty of gifts around that are associated with hobbies these days.

Stick To Your Budget
I know it is easy to want to go over your budget, especially if the person you are buying for is very close to you. But try and stick to your original budget you set because it will restrict yourself to make a decision when do do find gifts and you are indecisive about which one to choose.

Get Creative
If your budget is low try and get creative and use your skills to create a handmade gift. Take all the photos together and make a scrapbook, make some of your signature cookies that they love and put them in a jar, or if if is for your partner create a coupon book or get soppy and make a list of reasons why you love them.

Don't Just Stick To High Street
Many people give up if they can't find what they are looking for on the high street and just buy something for the sake of it. Go to a shop you have never been in before and try the small boutiques because they might just have what you've been looking for. There are plenty of websites where you can buy gifts from and Amazon or eBay will do gifts for a fraction of the price you would pay on the high street.

Think Outside The Gift box
Remember you don't have to buy a physical gift that can unwrap. Have a look at concert tickets, theatre trips, holidays, football stadium tours, driving experiences. There are plenty of websites to look for these type of experiences, the list goes on and on...

Fulfill a Mans Needs
I may be getting a bit stereotypical here but things that men need are food, sex and sleep. Breakfast in bed ring a bell? Granted that would be best for a longer term partner. Why not take them clothes shopping? Go for higher-end brands and treat them to a designer shirt or an expensive jacket that they have their eye on but can't really justify spending their own money on. Also underwear and socks are good option for gifts, very generic, but everyone needs socks and underwear!

Turn The Tables
Give them a day off, if you are used to being treated why don't you treat them. As much as they will hate it, pay a meal out or at least buy them a drink in an upscale bar.

Get Personal
Really make your gift personal with that special touch, many items you can get engraved or their name put onto the item which gives it an extra touch. If you have an inside joke get a novelty gift what will remind them of it or make them smile.

I hope this helps you when finding the perfect gift;  just remember that if they don't like it it is still the thought that counts, just get a gift receipt!

What do you like to buy for the men in your life? Let me know in the comments or Tweet me @Elisa_A__

Elisa x


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