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2015... A Year Review.

It is so scary to think that 2016 is just around the corner, where has this year gone! It is also worth mentioning that alot of that time has been filled with university work, especially the past few months as I am now in my final year of full time education (terrifying I know!) so that has been taking up alot of my time, keeping me away from posting more regularly so I do apologise for that but I want to do my best in my final year of studying. With that said though, I am currently taking a little break from my uni work right now to look review how 2015 has been for me. If you have followed me for a while you might remember my post that I put around this time last year called '20 Things I Want For 2015' and its about time I have a good look at them and see how I have done...


1. To be more sociable with my friends. I feel I have done well at this, especially towards the end of the year. As I was going into my final year of uni I was worried that I would loose alot of friends that I normally hang out with on my course as we now have split off into our own specialist areas, in some sense I don't feel that I am as close as I was to those people but it has given me the chance to get closer to other people whether that is those also working in my specialist subject or through volunteering in the Students Union. One thing I did do this year was reconnect with my old house mate who I lived with in first year, considering I hadn't spoken to her in over a year, it was so nice to see her again!

2. To put more effort into my uni work and less into my part time job, I am paying to get a degree after all. So this year I ended up having 4 part time jobs which is absolutely crazy! But alot of circumstances changed with some places I worked for and my other job was just for the summer; but now I have a job where I do casual work for the uni, helping with open days and giving campus tours to visitors. It is very flexible work which fits around my studies and you can accept or decline whatever shifts you want, and it pays well! So everything has worked really well with that job as I have it until I leave uni so now I have more chance to focus on my uni work which is great!

3. To spend less money. Now with earning more money, especially with my summer work, means enjoying the money you do have. I do have to admit I have spend an awful lot of money on makeup this year, my obsession with MAC lipsticks has been crazy which is wear alot of my money has gone. I will do an updated collection just to prove how crazy it has got!

4. To be healthier and fitter. Hmm... This one might not have worked out so well. The healthiest I have been was when I gave up bread for a month before I went on holiday with Jack but, Christ, it was hard! With being more sociable at uni and spending more time there it is just so easy to go and grab a sandwich from the shop in the library and other unhealthy snacks to keep me going. If anything the best thing I did to achieve this is buy a sports bra and only wear it on lazy days.

5. To be less self conscious. See above.

6. To spend more time thinking about my future eg. Masters degree, traveling etc. This has been a big thing that has been on my mind, even since the summer. I had ideas of thinking about teaching however, in my summer job, when I felt like I was a teacher was when I enjoyed it the least. But I am thinking about a Masters Degree, especially because new post-graduate loans have been introduced. Watch this space!

7. To take more pride in my appearance. Well I dip dyed my hair earlier this year, so that's a start. But like I said earlier I have been spending a lot more money on makeup and clothes so I have been putting more effort into that.

8. To grow a bit more (if possible). It didn't happen :-( I only grew outwards not upwards.

9. To spend a lot more time with my family, coming home to spend time with my grandparents etc. I've just had the most wonderful Christmas break with my family where I haven't had to work and have loved spending every minute with my family. It has been alot harder to go home during term time as I have had alot more work to concentrate on but that understand.

10. To continue my relationship with my boyfriend and go on holiday in the summer. Well we kicked it up a notch this year! Not only did we go on holiday together to Salou in the Summer, we got a flat together this year! We love it so much that we signed it from another year and are there until 2017!

11. To carry on volunteering with the students union and get involved in another society. From September onwards it has been a whirlwind of business with the Students Union. I worked my socks off to create a fun week of fundraising, I am now Social Secretary for the media team, which is such a fun job, and i tried yoga society!

12. To try and do more community work. My summer job involved working for a youth organisation so I feel I have done alot of community work through that, but even my course has alot more of a community drive to it going into it for my last year.

13. To watch more films. I know this sounds silly but there are so many classic films that I haven't seen! I've tried! 

14. To try and stay positive about my life, people all around the world have it worse and would kill to have the life I am living now. Living with Jack has been one of the best things that has happened to me this year. Since living with him and working in the job I am in now, sat with my dog at my feet and my family all around me, I am such a lucky girl!

15. To try and indulge in my hobbies more. I rekindled my love for musical theatre this year at uni and that has been one of my favourite things I have done this year and will continue to be a part of next year.

16. To get out in my car more and drive. Now this is one I haven't done so well in. Me and my brother decided to share a car but when he got a new job he decided to upgrade his car which I am no longer insured on as I spend more time at uni than I do at home. So no I don't drive anymore as it is out of my control.

17. To enjoy my last year as a teenager before I turn20. My 20th birthday sucked. I was at work with a bunch of people who forgot it was my birthday! I suppose it was just an insight to the world of work. But I have enjoyed my time as a teenager but those days are over now, onwards and upwards!

18. To try and donate more of my own money to charity. I have done alot of fundraising this year, and to get the ball rolling I did donate alot of my own money. But sparingly as I am a student after all!

19. To be more experimental with food and get more options for meal ideas other than just pasta. I can now do an awesome veggie chilli!

20. To enjoy my year and be as happy as I can be, taking every opportunity as it comes. This one is the one I am happiest with. By far the biggest risk I took this year was moving in with Jack as I was only 19 at the time when we decided! But this year has been a good one, I've made alot of new friends and rekindled old relationship. Unfortunately I have lost a few of them along the way which was an extremely sad part of my year and they will always be remembered. But I am super super busy at the moment taking up any opportunities that are offered to me as it makes me a more organised, rounded person exploring my skills and looking at new things that I could be good at. I will of course be taking this forward with me next year, I will work my socks off to get my degree and look forward to what 2016 has to bring!

Elisa :-) x


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