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Dealing With University Stress

Being a postgraduate student, I can definitely see the difference between studying my first degree my current one I'm studying now. Firstly, going from a degree where I am learning by being up on my feet all the time (wearing my leggings and trainers) to sitting and having 3 hour presentations and discussions. And secondly the difference in workload. Yes I had a lot of work to do the last 3 years, and telling people that I only have 2 essays to do before Christmas this year may seem like a doddle; but they are both 5000 words, all based off independent learning and doing my own research. It can be stressful. Hell, all university courses are stressful, if it wasn't stressful then it wouldn't be a full university experience! So with assessment period looming, I thought I would share a few of my tips on how to deal with stress at uni; or even school, college or sixth form- these will all apply!

-Get a diary. The first step to feeling less stressed is to do what I call 'sort your life out', and the easiest way to do that is to buy a diary. This will be your saving grace to planning how much time you have to actually get stuff done. Make sure you use it to note down your lecture times and rooms, socialising, meetings, or anything else that you need to get done.  From this, you will be able to see how much time you have to concentrate on your studies and get things done off your ever growing list. Which leads nicely on to...

-Make lots of lists. Lists are the best way for you to actually realise what needs to be done and so you won't forget any tasks that need to be completed. From this list you can be realistic in prioritising what tasks need to be done, for example; if you have an assignment due in tomorrow then that will obviously take priority over hoovering the living room- so cross it off the lists. But make sure you prioritise correctly, it can be so easy to do all the easy tasks and leave the big ones until later. Make a new list every day with tasks that need to be completed, breaking down larger tasks into more specific tasks, and the schedule these smaller tasks into your day in your diary. You may need to make some sacrifices regarding your social life and other things you want to do, but make sure you have your priorities correct in this stressful time.

-Schedule down time. When you are feeling stressed it is important to take some down time to relax. By taking yourself away from the situation that is making you feel stressed you can give your body a break to recharge its batteries. It is also good to take regular breaks from your work and to look back at with a fresh pair of eyes, give yourself a new perspective on a reading that you didn't quite take in the first time. But take some time out, even an hour to relax and watch your favourite TV show or see a friend to take your mind off things. Scheduling the down time means that you need to switch off.

-Turn your diary into a journal. This is a great way to keep positive when you feel like you want to curl up in a ball and cry. I also use my diary as a journal, by keeping my diary busy I feel like I have achieved a lot in that day. I have made it a part of my 'journal' to write what time I set my alarm in the morning, what I have eaten throughout the day and some short non-course related lists with little small tasks that need done throughout the day when I know I shouldn't be procrastinating. In means of staying positive, at the end of every day I like to write a small line at the bottom of the page either about what I have enjoyed about the day, something that I have learnt, something productive, or something that has just made me happy. This is something that keeps me on my toes and gives me something to be happy about at the end of the day if I ever feel like I have been unproductive.

-A problem shared is a problem halved. It is true what they say, sometimes you just need to talk to somebody about how you are feeling. From meeting a friend for coffee, having a cuddle with your other half or a phone call to your parents; let someone know how you're feeling. It can be such a weight lifted off your shoulders to even just talk about the work you have. If you can, try to explain your work to someone else who has no idea about your subject, it will help you gather your thoughts. And if you're still struggling then don't feel embarrassed about talking to your tutor about offering some extra support and guidance, they are there to help you pass.

-Take care of yourself. It can be so easy to throw the diet and fitness out of the window when you are stressed, but if anything this may be making you feel worse. Make sure you remain healthy during these periods; get plenty fresh air, stay hydrated, eat your veggies which will keep you going and I cant stress enough- get your sleep. Sleep is so important in these periods of time, you recharge your batteries and it helps you concentrate properly, multiple all-nighters will not help you and they are dangerous to your health. The last thing you want is to end up in hospital because you are not taking care of your body, putting more stress on yourself.

-Indulge. Similar to scheduling down time, it is important to take time to do the activities that you enjoy doing. For me it is having a night in to myself; working on this blog, with a face mask, painting my nails with a candle lit. Stay motivated in this time; you deserve that extra chocolate bar, go out and buy that expensive lipstick or dress you've been eyeing up. Treat yourself to a meal out so you don't need to cook for yourself or even go for a fun night out with your friends where you don't talk about work and enjoy each others company.

All that matters is that this stressful period of your life is only temporary, you will get through it if you put the hard work in and take care of yourself and stay organised with your life. Make sure you surround yourself with fantastic people and be true to yourself.

Do you have any stress tips for students? Let me know in the comments or Tweet Me @Elisa_A__
Elisa :-) x


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