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2016... A Year Review

Let's be honest, 2016 hasn't been the best for many of us. With Brexit, Trump, numerous celebrities passing and Newcastle United being relegated to the Championship, there has been better years. But in terms of what I have personally been up to, 2016 has actually been pretty good. I look back on the year I have had and realise how much I have achieved and what opportunities I have been granted this year.

At the beginning of the year I will admit, I had very little motivation to keep going with my studies because I had my heart set on a job which I ended up not getting, but it took a lot of energy out of me. I didn't know what direction to head in once my degree would be over. After my Grandad had an accident back in March; seeing him lying in a hospital bed, helpless, really put everything into perspective and gave me the kick of motivation I needed. He was so unwell to do anything while I was complaining about getting out of bed and going to get an education. It was heartbreaking. He had always been proud of everything that I have done and seeing him helpless only pushed me further to continue making him proud. After this I set goals and targets and wanted to be motivated again to be proud of myself after feeling knocked back.

I look back at the year and everything I have done since then; I have been to America twice, celebrated my 21st birthday, graduated my undergraduate degree with First Class Honours and moved on to begin my Masters degree. I have volunteered hundreds of hours of my time to things I love doing; helping fundraise over £30,000 for charity, getting into TV presenting and doing lots of community social action. I also got myself a part time job in a theatre, survived living with my better half in our own flat, renewing our tenancy agreement for another year and I am working super hard to get the body that I want and deserve to feel happy in. 

It may sound like I am bragging, but this year has honestly been one of the very best in letting me grow. Its becoming very cliché for me to say that I am becoming a better version of myself after every year, becoming stronger and wiser; however this is the first time where I have ever truly looked back at my year and said "I'm really fucking proud of myself". I can look in the mirror and begin to feel proud of myself, seeing progress in my weight loss and feeling comfortable in my own skin again. I can look at my graduation photo knowing that I have earnt that. I can find the balance between taking 'me time' to relax or go to the gym to let of some steam if I am feeling stressed, between spending time with my boyfriend and studying my degree. This has also been the year where I have cut out the toxic friendships and am spending time and making effort with people who I love very much and truly appreciate my company and also make the effort to be with me. 

Even though 2016 has been a year of heartache and devastation in the media and beyond, by focusing on myself I have truly become much happier, driven and motivated to keep working hard, spending time with my beautiful friends and family and doing what I enjoy. If I continue 2017 the same way that I have been focusing on 2016 then I am very excited to see what the new year has in store and what it has to offer. Here are just a couple of the highlights of my year:


Elisa :-) x


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