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How To Plan Your Gym Workout, A Beginners Guide

When I started my fitness journey, I didn't have a clue! I had never stepped foot into a gym in my life which is why I decided to begin getting fit by going to gym classes as I didn't know what to do in the gym on my own. My motivation is when I am in classes as I am very competitive, I always want to be the best in my classes and do better than the people around me. That may sound quite conceited, however it is definitely what motivates me and many others. However, on thing I have become quite observant about is that people would rather do classes because they have no idea where to begin when it comes to planning a workout on the gym floor. This can be from how to use machines, the difference between reps and sets, what weights to life, how to not get bored, what exercises are good for different muscles, and so on. This is something I wanted to learn more about and wanted to get into, there were some times where classes didn't fit in with my personal schedule so doing my own workouts would be the next best option. Yes, it was nerve wrecking going onto the gym floor on my own for the first time, but this blog post is for people who are in a similar position to what I was in. Hopefully it will help a few people who are planning to get into doing their own workouts.

Get an Induction
Before you even think about getting on any new gym equipment, the first thing that I recommend anybody do is to get an induction. This is for your own personal safety as well as making sure you know what piece of equipment is for and how to use it. This is especially important if you are trying to get into using the resistance machines. These inductions should be carried out by a member of staff at your gym, however some do online inductions which you can always look back at in the future if you forget how to use a specific piece of kit. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the machines you want to use, the staff are there to help you; my gym induction was terrible- I wasn't told how to stop and start it or anything(!) So asking for help off another member of staff is still ok as well, but this step is important for ensuring your safety is paramount.

Reps and Sets
One of the first things that I questioned when beginning my gym workouts is what the difference between REPS and SETS were; I had heard people use them before but I didn't know what they were. So basically, Reps are how many repetitions of a particular exercise you want to do after another; for example some people will do a bicep curl 10 times before stopping, which means they have done 10 reps. Sets are how many times you are going to do that particular block of exercises; so, for example, them 10 exercises are going to be done 3 times with a short period of rest in between them. On a work out this may be written like this: "Bicep Curls 10 x 3" which means that they are going to do 10 repetitions of bicep curls 3 times with a rest in between each set. This rest can be for as long or as little as you need it, which brings me on to my next point...

How Much Should I Lift?
The rule of thumb for this is simple depending on your own personal goals. If your goals are to build your strength, you should opt for a heavier weight and less reps; if your goals are to lose fat, you should reduce your weight and do more reps. At the end of your set, your muscles should be so fatigued that they can't handle another rep when you get to your last one in that set; and if you feel like you can continue then you need to lift a heavier weight. So, what I personally do when I want to burn fat; my complex is usually a 15 x 3 and I drop my weight by at least 1kg or more compared to when I am strength training. Choosing a weight is completely personal preference and the more you train the more you will find your strength improving. The main point is that if you don't find your muscles fatigued by the end of your set, up your weight. Your body will be killing for that short rest period!

Now What?
So now you have the fundaments to begin planning a work out, the rest is down to your personal preferences and your own goals. You plan your work out according to how much time you have and what areas of your body you want to target. So if you know you only have half an hour to work out and you know you want to work on your bum; you plan your workout to murder your butt muscles. A lot of the machines you use may have guides on exactly how to use them and the muscle groups they target which is a great starting point for beginners. However, if you want to begin using the free weights then you will soon find you are like a kid in a sweet shop. The free weights give you free reign to be creative with your workouts that it can sometimes be overwhelming with what you want to do and how to do particular exercises safely. To help with this, I always go to YouTube for inspiration and steal some ideas from there. Some of my favourite channels I go to for inspiration include Carly Rowena, Whitney Simmons and Heidi Somers so make sure you check them out for a bunch of different fitness and diet videos.

Go In With A Plan!
Now that you are armed with inspiration for work outs, now is time to devise your workout. What I recommend to everyone is to go into the gym with a plan, create your plan before you go into the gym and stick to it. It can be so easy to go off script with your plan and want to stick to the cardio machine but if you do that how will you ever learn and you are only stopping yourself from reaching your goals. Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't worry about what people around you are thinking, as they are doing their own thing and are focused on their own plan and their own goals (the biggest misconception about the gym!). If you go in with a plan and stick to it, you will be able to learn from this what works for you, what you would change and what you want to work on. 

Fitness is such a personal thing for everyone, and you can only make them changes if you have the motivation to do so. It may be daunting at the beginning but once you get into it you will learn more about yourself than you think.
Elisa :-) x


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