I've woken up this morning after my first night out on the town since university, it was eventful to say the least. But there's always that one thing that you worry about the day after, the hangover. So today I've woken up and I feel absoloutley fine, however I'm not one of those people who likes to suffer and feel sorry for themselves when they're hungover as I hate feeling. But normally if I am feeling hungover I have some handy little tips which help me fight the hangover.
1. Get out of bed. After a night out you will probably go to bed at some ridiculous time in the morning and if you are like me you will wake up only afew hours later. You know you haven't had enough sleep but you just need to get up and do something to sweat it out. Personally I like to go for a walk cause it clears my head from all the chaos of the night before and it gives the fresh air you need. But even any form of physical exercise will help you, no matter how terrible you feel, even if you feel like you're gonna throw up it's better out than in! Sitting feeling sorry for yourself won't resolve anything. Harsh but true.
2. Eat what you want. You may wake up lying next to a takeaway box or cuddling a half eaten Subway after your big night out. But when you're awake you will still probably be starving from all the alcohol. However, if you eat too fast on a hangover you will just make yourself feel even worse. Beans on toast is normally a good starting point because it doesn't require much effort to make and it gives you plenty of energy, but if you can't stomach that then reach for some Ready Salted crisps, cream crackers or just some dry toast. If you can hardly function, snacking for the rest of the day is probably the best way to go instead of a big fry up. I usually like salad leaves and raw vegetable sticks until I can have a filling meal again later in the day.
3. Drink plenty fluids. Water or a cordial drink is probably best, have something with a little bit of flavour. Your throat will be dry from 'singing' all your favourite tunes so make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day so your body feels back to normal. If you are struggling with the last point, then it may be worth trying some flat lemonade to make yourself feel human again- it's a tip that my Nana told me but it works!
4. Shower time! I cannot stress how important this is. You will wake up in the morning all sweaty, you will probably stink of fruit juice or energy drink, your hair will feel minging and you will have panda eyes. A shower can fix so many things and erase so many psychological feelings. You may feel sick just because you can smell the aftermath of your night out! I also reccomended giving your teeth a good brush. If you feel too ill to shower have a bath; they're just as awesome (if not better) when you're hungover as you can just soak in the tub. But just in case, keep the door unlocked and your phone handy just incase you feel worse so somebody can come to your rescue.
5. Sex. They say that sex can help relieve so many things and a hangover is definitely one of them. I can't even explain why, it just does. And if you don't feel up to it because you're dying then make them do all the work! But if you wake up in the morning and find out you've had sex with a stranger- please for the love of God go and get tested!
What do you do to cure a hangover? Share your tips in the comments or Tweet me @Elisa_A__
Elisa x
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