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Top Tips for First Years at Uni

So today has been a busy day for young people all across the country. My Facebook timeline has been filled with my friend's statuses letting everyone know about their A Level results and what uni they got into. This time last year I was in their shoes and it really doesn't feel like 2 minutes since I logged into UCAS at silly o'clock in the morning, after a sleepless night feeling sick, and finding out that I got into my firm choice uni. And then going into my sixth form and finding out how my friends did and finishing off in Wetherspoons to celebrate where we were drinking at 10:30am (well I was having pancakes because the breakfast menu was on and I was still 17 and couldn't get served). But my first year of university has been and gone so fast and I honestly couldn't have asked for a better year. Sure there were some lows but they were mainly highs so I've decided to share my top tips on how to survive first year of university!

1. You will learn who your real friends are from home. When you have all moved to different cities across the country you will realise that you were only friends with some people just because you used to see them 5 times a week. Make sure that you stay in contact with your home buds, try to see them or make plans to go and visit them in a local city. If they really want to see you and value your friendship then they will do the same. People will only make an effort with you if you make an effort with them and if they don't bother then their loss!

2. Talk to everyone. I carry my final point in the last tip into this one aswell. When you come to university it is a whole different world and it's not as easy to make friends with people as it was when you were younger. Just talk to everyone you meet; wether they're  from your halls, course or any societies you have got yourself involved in, you will soon feel at home. I have made so many close friends at uni and it's only year 1, I have 2 more years of my degree and there are plenty more opportunities to meet people and make memories with.

3. Learn to cook. If you move into halls, odds are that you will probably have half a shelf in the fridge and 1 cupboard in the kitchen which you can call your own. Mummy and Daddy won't be here so you need to make your own meals. It will be so tempting to just spend money on takeaways and eat rubbish, but you will soon be broke (see next point) and, to be blunt, you will get fat. Sorry but I had to put it out there, you need to try and have substantial well balanced meals when you can and try and be healthy. You don't want to end up like me and put on loads of weight in your first year as you will just be unhappy. Work with your new flat mates and make meals together if you're on a tight budget.

4. Food is expensive. Be honest, your parents always did the food shop and planned your meals. That is no more. You are incharge of your food shop now and you are gonna be wandering around the aisles and thinking 'how much?!'. All your luxury brands will have to be cut and you will soon be going for ASDA's own savers brand of every necessity you need to survive. You will be cutting back on stuff like meat and cheese as you have never realised how expensive they are and if you keep eating takeaways and to go food you will soon have no money to party. What I used to do is buy my food online and get it delivered to my door because the nearest supermarket was a mile away and I would need to pay for a taxi to get things home, I also would be able to get exactly what I wanted and not be tempted to buy any crap on special offer. Also only buy what you need as stuff will go out of date. Be a bit savvy and have a look around your local area to see if there are any markets where you can buy your food cheaper than the supermarkets.

5. You will be broke. I'm talking about you being broke all the time, I bet you're thinking 'I won't be broke, I have my student loan'...  Well I'm sorry to break it to you ,but your loan will barely cover your accommodation costs, my accommodation was actually a grand more than my student loan. Luckily I had my parents support for my accommodation but you will really learn the value of money when you're away from home so you're going to have to make some cuts if you go shopping every weekend or on your hobbies. You can always take out an overdraft but you will need to pay that off later so it is better to budget effectively. Or as another option...

6. Try and get a job. To solve this issue of having no money try and find a job. It is best to do this as soon as you arrive in the city or if you can before you start uni because all those who will have just finished uni will have also left their part time positions, so they are the ones open for you to take. As it is first year, and it's the year with the least amount of work, what most of my friends did was work for night clubs as bar staff, till girls or promoters and they got money for enjoying themselves! Other ways you could try and get money include product testing, mystery shoppers and taking paid surveys online. Even look in your Student's Union and keep an eye out for job fairs in the city.

7. Home blues. There will be times throughout the year where the pressure will build and you just want to give up and go home. Always keep in contact with your family and friends and let them know how you're feeling and if you can, plan a trip to see them for the weekend to recharge your batteries.  At the start of the year, I felt lost without my family as I was in a new place which I didn't know very well; the best thing I did was have my boyfriend stay with me for a few days during freshers week, so if you can have someone close to you stay for a few days I would reccomended it.

8. Enjoy your easy year. When you eventually visit the uni library you will be very surprised with the amount of second and third years who will be there cramming. They will be wishing they're back in first year because it is the easiest one and in most cases FIRST YEAR DOESNT COUNT towards your final grade. So get out and enjoy yourself with your new friends and meet new people and make some memories!

9. Stay safe. I have to say it. You will meet people and become close to people and one thing may lead to another. You don't want any unexpected surprises in your first year, I urge you to stay protected and to get tested if you know you have been unprotected. Also make sure you find somebody you can trust and someone you can talk to while you are at university. Student Union's are there to give you advice as well so if you feel like you need to speak to somebody then they will be there for support.

10. Remember why you're at university. You're not paying nine thousand pounds just to party. At the end of the day you are there to get a degree in your chosen field and its important to turn up to your lectures and study. Bottom line is that university is an absolute rip off, but you came for a degree and if you don't get your degree you will be dissapointed and still be paying off the debt. Try and get the balance between studying, socialising and living a healthy lifestyle, this is your chance to live the way you want to so take it and enjoy it!

Do you have any tips for those going to university? Or are you worried about starting university? Let me know in the comments below or Tweet me @Elisa_A__

Elisa x


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